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VC953   John William Sayer

Name   John William Sayer   No.   G/14498   POSTHUMOUS

VC Issue No.   953   Awards   VC    

Regiment   Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, 8th Battalion

Later   The Queens Regiment

Now   Princess of Wales Royal Regiment     

Rank VC Won    Lance-Corporal

Rank End Of Career   Lance-Corporal

Place Of Birth   Ilford, Essex, England

Place Of Death   Near Le Cateau, France

Buried/Location Ashes   Le Cateau Military Cemetery, 1 mile west of Le Cateau, Nord, France


Date Buried/Cremated   

Headstone   Headstone (CWGC)   Plot/Grave no.   Plot I, Row B, Grave 59

Gazetted   9 June 1919

VC Presented   16 November 1919 or 26 July 1919 by King George V at Buckingham Palace, London, England to his widow, Edith Louise


P  Headstone, Le Cateau Military Cemetery, 1 mile west of Le Cateau, Nord, France

By The Way…

He died four weeks after his action while being a prisoner of war. He was buried by the Germans.

VC Held By

Held by family



VC 952 VC 954
VC 952
VC 954

BORN   12 April 1879

DIED   18 April 1918   AGE   39

VC Won   21 March 1918   AGE   38

Place VC Won   Le Verguier, France

War/Campaign   First World War 1918

The First World War