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VC1033    Raphael Louis Zengel

Name   Raphael Louis Zengel   No.   424252   

VC Issue No.   1033   Awards   VC     MM

Regiment   Canadian Expeditionary Force, 5th Battalion, Saskatchewan Regiment



Rank VC Won    Sergeant

Rank End Of Career  Sergeant

Place Of Birth   Faribault, Minnesota, USA

Place Of Death   Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Victoria Island, British Columbia, Canada

Buried/Location Ashes   Pine Grove Cemetery, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada


Date Buried/Cremated   

Headstone   Headstone    Plot/Grave no.   Family plot

Gazetted   27 September 1918

VC Presented   13 December 1918 by King George V at Buckingham Palace, London, England


P  Headstone, Pine Grove Cemetery, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

Memorial Plaque at Home, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

P  Victoria Cross Commemorative Plaque, British High Commission, Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

P  Victoria Cross Commemoration Paving Stone, National Memorial, Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire

Named on Memorial, Pine Cemetery, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

P  Mount Zengal, Victoria Cross Range, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

P  Victoria Cross Commemorative Plaque, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington County, Virginia, USA

P  Victoria Cross Memorial, York Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

RL Zengel VC Legion Park, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

P  VC Obelisk, Military Heritage Park, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

By The Way…

Born in Minnesota, United States of America, he was one of five American born recipients of the Victoria Cross

VC Held By

Royal Canadian Legion Post (Branch 8), Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada



VC 1032 VC 1034
VC 1032
VC 1034

BORN   11 November 1894

DIED   27 February 1977  AGE   82

VC Won   9 August 1918   AGE   23

Place VC Won   East of Warvillers, France

War/Campaign   First World War 1918

The First World War