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VC87   Charles McCorrie

BORN   1830

DIED   8 April 1857  AGE   27

VC Won  23 June 1855  AGE 25

Place VC Won  Sebastopol, Crimea

War/Campaign  Crimean War

Name   Charles McCorrie  No.   1971

VC Issue No.   87   Awards   VC    

Regiment   57th Regiment

Later   Middlesex Regiment

Now   Princess of Wales Royal Regiment

Rank VC Won   Private

Rank End Of Career  Private

Place Of Birth   Killeard Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland

Place Of Death   Malta

Buried/Location Ashes  Msida Bastion Cemetery, Valletta, Malta


Date Buried/Cremated   

Headstone   Headstone    Plot/Grave no.   

Gazetted   24 February 1857

VC Presented   1857, GOC Malta, Lieutenant-General J L Pennefather, Malta


P  Headstone, Msida Bastion Cemetery, Valletta, Malta

By The Way…

A new headstone was unveieled by the Duke of Gloucester on the 16th April 2012 (Headstone not over grave)

VC Held By




VC 86 VC 88

On the night of 23rd June 1855, an enemy shell was launched and landed in the trench. With no regard for himself, he threw the live shell over the parapet, thus saving many lives

VC 86
VC 88

Thank you to Roy and Pat Surman for photos of Malta

Crimean War