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VC94   John Coleman

BORN   12 July 1798

DIED   21 May 1858  AGE   59

VC Won  30 August 1855  AGE  57

Place VC Won  Sebastopol, Crimea

War/Campaign  Crimean War

Name   John Coleman  No.   

VC Issue No.   94   Awards   VC    

Regiment   97th Regiment

Later   Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment

Now   Princess of Wales Royal Regiment

Rank VC Won   Sergeant

Rank End Of Career   Sergeant

Place Of Birth   St Mary-in-the-Marsh, Romney Marsh, Kent, England

Place Of Death   Lucknow, India

Buried/Location Ashes  Location unknown, India


Date Buried/Cremated   

Headstone      Plot/Grave no.   

Gazetted   24 February 1857

VC Presented   26 June 1857 by Queen Victoria at Hyde Park, London, England


Daguerretype, prayer book, silver cross, captured russian musket, model of Russian cannon, Russian orthodox altar front & display at the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum, Maidstone Museum & Art Gallery, St Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent

By The Way…

Killed in action during the Indian Mutiny

Discrepancy over date and place of birth

Discrepancy over date of death, some records suggest 4 June 1882

VC Held By

Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum, Maidstone Museum & Art Gallery, St Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent, England



VC 93 VC 95

He showed great calm when the Russians attacked a new sap that was being worked on. When the working party were driven out, he stayed until the last minute, then retired to safety, taking with him a

wounded officer

VC 93
VC 95
Crimean War