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VC926   Robert Gee

Name   Robert Gee   No.     

VC Issue No.   926   Awards   VC    MC

Regiment   Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion


Now   Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

Rank VC Won    Temporary Captain

Rank End Of Career  Temporary Captain

Place Of Birth   29 Metcalf Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, England

Place Of Death   Home of Peace, Thomas Street, Subiaco, Perth, Western Australia

Buried/Location Ashes   Karrakatta Crematorium, Hollywood, Perth, Australia

Cremated   Karrakatta Crematorium, Hollywood, Perth, Australia

Date Buried/Cremated   4 August 1960

Headstone   Ashes    Plot/Grave no.   Rose Garden P

Gazetted   11 January 1918

VC Presented   23 February 1918 by King George V at Buckingham Palace, London, England


By The Way…

In 1921, he defeated the future Labour Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald, at a by-election in Woolwich, South London

VC Held By

Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (City of London) Museum, H M Tower of London, London, England



VC 925 VC 927
VC 925
VC 927

The First World War

BORN   7 May 1876

DIED   2 August 1960    AGE   84

VC Won   30 November 1917   AGE   41

Place VC Won   Near Masnieres, France

War/Campaign   First World War 1917