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VC1115    William Edgar Holmes

Name   William Edgar Holmes    No.      POSTHUMOUS

VC Issue No.   1115   Awards   VC   

Regiment   Grenadier Guards, 2nd Battalion



Rank VC Won   Guardsman

Rank End Of Career   Guardsman

Place Of Birth   Wood Stanway, Gloucestershire, England

Place Of Death   Cattenieres, France

Buried/Location Ashes   Carnieres Communal Cemetery Extension, 5 miles east of Cambrai, Nord, France


Date Buried/Cremated   

Headstone   Headstone (CWGC)    Plot/Grave no.   Plot I, Row B, Grave 3

Gazetted   26 December 1918

VC Presented  29 March 1919 by King George V at Buckingham Palace, London, England to his parents, Edward & Ellen Elizabeth


P  Headstone, Carnieres Communal Cemetery Extension, 5 miles east of Cambrai, Nord, France

P  War Memorial, St George Church, Didbrook, Gloucestershire

P  Memorial Bench, St George Churchyard, Didbrook, Gloucestershire

P  Ring of Remembrance (L'Anneau de la Mémoire), Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, Pas-de-Calais, France

P  Victoria Cross Paving Stone, St George's Churchyard, Didbrook, Gloucestershire

By The Way…

The Grenadier Guards is the most senior infantry regiment in the British Army

VC Held By

Grenadier Guards, Guards Museum, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London, England



VC 1114 VC 1116
VC 1114
VC 1116

BORN   26 June 1895

DIED   9 October 1918   AGE   23

VC Won   9 October 1918    AGE    23

Place VC Won   Cattenieres, France

War/Campaign   First World War 1918

The First World War