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VC1003   William Gregg

Name   William Gregg   No.   S. 6522   

VC Issue No.   1003   Awards   VC    DCM   MM

Regiment   Rifle Brigade, 13th Battalion

Later   Royal Green Jackets

Now   2nd and 4th battalions the rifles

Rank VC Won    Sergeant

Rank End Of Career   Company Sergeant-Major

Place Of Birth   Heanor, Derbyshire, England

Place Of Death   Heanor Memorial Hospital, Derbyshire, England

Buried/Location Ashes   Heanor Cemetery, Ilkeston Road, Derbyshire, England

Cremated   Heanor Crematorium, Derbyshire, England

Date Buried/Cremated   

Headstone   Ashes    Plot/Grave no.   Garden of Remembrance (smaller section)

Gazetted   28 June 1918

VC Presented   9 August 1918 by King George V at 3rd Army HQ, Chateau Frohen-le-Grand, Lucheux, France


P  Memorial Plaque, Garden of Remembrance, Heanor Crematorium, Heanor, Derbyshire

P  Named on Rifle Brigade Role of Fame Memorial, Winchester Cathedral, Hampshire

P  William Gregg VC Leisure Centre, Heanor, Derbyshire

P  Memorial Plaque, William Gregg VC Leisure Centre, Heanor, Derbyshire

P  Gregg Avenue, Heanor, Derbyshire

By The Way…

He was the first British soldier to win the VC DCM and MM

VC Held By

Royal Green Jackets Museum, Peninsular Barracks, Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire, England



VC 1002 VC 1004
VC 1002
VC 1004

BORN   27 January 1890

DIED   9 August 1969  AGE   79

VC Won   8 May 1918   AGE  28

Place VC Won   Bucquoy, France

War/Campaign   First World War 1918

The First World War